Monday, November 18, 2019

Quality Management Tools & Techniques Individual Project Assignment

Quality Management Tools & Techniques Individual Project - Assignment Example Actually, the establishment of this plant has been of much significance to the company. As a matter of fact, the beverage sector has become so competitive. Although the management of the Coca-Cola Inc. deeply understands much about it, they acknowledge that a lot still need to be done. For the company to continue enjoying a large share of the market, especially in this market, it needs to put in place a team of competent, highly qualified and motivated managers. These will be conserved about the management of its human, financial and all the other resources. Once the company has such management, it will be much possible for it to discharge all its operations without many challenges. First, the management will do this by hiring a large pool of professional employees to work for the company. Besides, they will be highly motivated to ensure that their productivity is boosted. Moreover, through a proper utilization of the company’s resources, the organization will manage to come up with novel ideas and viable strategies to improve the company’s products, quality of services to the satisfaction of all its clients. All these should be properly done as they can enable the company to record a tremendous growth. Once it can satisfy its clients, it will definitely have to accomplish its set short and long-term objectives. As part of the larger Coca-Cola Incorporations, Al Ahlia Gulf Line acknowledges that the satisfaction of its clients’ diverse needs is the corner stone of its success. Just like the rest of the stakeholders, the customers constitute a very significant section of the company. Without them, nothing much can be achieved. For this reason, the company has dedicated its time to ensure that the clients are provided with the necessary services and products which they always require. Beverage is a very popular product which is consumed by a large number of people in the country. However, this does not necessarily mean that the company is assured of

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